Custome scene for Warcraft II By: Mike Carlson ISELS.PUD You are the stratigic arms master for the human forces, sent to this land of great natural recources which, if taken by the alliance, will immensly strengthen your armys and bring fame and honor to your name. You're sole objective is to exterminate the land of any and all orcish existance. Every building, every monument, every flesh must be wiped away into oblivian. You have been supplied with towers, workers, a shipyard, and farms, so swift victory should be imminant. You have also been honored with the infamous Uther the Lightbringer, who has pledged to accommadate you in your work. His strength is immense and has special abilities such as long range attacks and sight capability. Use him wisely, for his death would be a shame. Build your forces quickly with the lumber and gold supplied to you. The Orcs will fight to the death to maintain this land. Good luck in your battles and may God be with you. -The King